The Inconvenient Truth is a movie that gives a message about how the world are suffering by the enemy that we as a human being cannot see clearly, the global warming. As the narrator in the story, Al Gore, the candidate of being the next president of United States of America a couple years ago had given a speech on how global warming really works, the issues are literally ignored by many people that does not believe that the enemy of human being existence are our own actions. There are a lot more to say how global warming really works and how our earth is finally giving us the message that it cannot stand more of our actions toward destroying ourselves. There are evidences in the movie that we can see in the news everyday, but still, no one has an urge to do something about it.
“What’s get us into trouble is not what we don’t know. It’s what we know for sure that just ain’t so” is the quote by the famous widely known author, Mark Twain. This quote tell us that it is not what we do not understand that get us into trouble, but it is what we do know for sure but we choose to ignore it at once. The pollution is bad for the environment, but we do it still because it is convenient to us. Even Al Gore, the environment activist and still sided to the environment in his politics career cannot make a difference although he has all the legitimate power to make a difference. This is because the United States government keeps ignoring him whenever he talks about environment. He believes that global warming is no longer a political issue, but more of a moral problem. That is why he keeps fighting all over the year giving speech to make people aware of global warming.
As we can see, the atmosphere is very important because it helps to maintain the temperature of the earth, but also vulnerable because it is so thin. The heat and radiation from the sunlight are being filtered by the atmosphere and only parts of them are absorbed. Being absorbed, the heat will help to warm the planet in a natural way and will be released out back into the space as soon as another heat is queuing to penetrate into. However, this process is interrupted by the existence of the greenhouse gasses. Since the industrial revolution in the 19th century the burning of fossils starts to increase the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Not just carbon dioxide, but nitrous oxide and methane also contribute to the existence of greenhouse gasses at the atmosphere but just in small proportions. When the level of carbon dioxide is at the dangerous state, the greenhouse effects occur. Greenhouse effect is the phenomena which thermal radiation of the earth surface is absorbed by atmospheric greenhouse gasses and is re-radiated in all directions. Most of it was re-radiated back to earth surface. This phenomenon is the biggest trouble that had been contributed in global warming problem.
The easiest way to encounter the heat which is not the very wise idea is to put the giant ice into the ocean. But, how many ice that we need to cool down the earth temperature back to normal? Literally, we can now see the effects of global warming that happened to our glaciers. Many highlands have glaciers. But according to the picture taken from the satellites, they are reducing in size of ice nowadays, which means the heat had already melted them down into freshwater and running down our streams into the oceans. 650 000 years ago, in the 7th ice age, the sea level not as high as today. If these continue to happen for the next 100 years, we will be living underwater because as the satellites shows many big cities are build at lowlands near the sea. As for the heat, it also started to show some sign when a heat wave killed many people in 2005. Heat wave is the most lethal type of the weather phenomenon. Why? Because when the heat started to change water into vapor, it is not just the river and the ocean, but also the water from the soil. The heat sucks up the moisture from the soil which will result in the soil dried up. So, there will be no vegetation can be planted, no food can be obtained and no organism can survive in that area anymore. Long drought also gives effect to the forest when there are many wildfires or bushfires. If the heat wave occurs during a drought, it will dry up all the vegetation and contributes to the wildfires. Global warming also cause heavy rain in some places that will lead to flood that also killed many people like what happened to China and Turkey this year. Generally, some places will be extremely dry and some other places will be extremely wet as the season changes.
Hurricane is also one of the effects of global warming. There is research made by scientist that questioned why the storm’s wind velocity is increasing each year? The research ended up with one shocked conclusion which is the heat. When temperatures increase, wind velocity also increase which will make the storm or hurricane more powerful each year. For example, Katrina hurricane that moves along at the hot water area had killed many people. 1836 fatalities recorded since the last it strikes United States in 2005. It also cost 1.8 million U.S dollar to their government for the damage that it takes.
The Arctic act as a giant mirror that helps to bounce the sun rays back to the open space. But, because of sea temperature is rising, the ice of Arctic start to melt down and increase the sea water level and we thought it was the most horrible thing ever happen to the earth. Wrong. As the ice of Arctic melting, the sea will be filled with freshwater that came from the ice which will reduce the sea salinity level. Salinity of the sea act as a giant heating machine that provide a little warm to the Europe and American continent during the winter. But, when the salinity is decreasing, the sea can no longer provide warm to these two continents which lead to extreme cold. It proven and appear to be happen to Europe in 2009 and 2010 when the lowest temperature recorded is about -45.6°C. This led to number of death, widespread transport disruption and power failure.
The world can be the better place to stay if we as a human being start to care about what kind of message it try to give us. It can still be saved from global warming if we are all stop worrying about what more convenient to us. If we want to save earth, we have to start from the very beginning of our action and our attitude. As an African proverb says “When you pray, move your feet” which mean if we are hoping for a change, we ourselves have to move and make the change happens.
***ni essay aku pasal global warming yang aku buat sebagai assignment kat universiti aku... ayat semua original. takda copy and paste... rasa-rasanya aku boleh x jadi penulis?? huhuhu..
emmm.. bleh2,but there is come part that you still can be add up.
ReplyDeletei want to ask, how high temperature can cause increase in wind velocity?
does high temperature cause low air pressure at that area?
temperature around 38-45 can rapidly increase wind velocity... and aku tak tau jawapan untuk second question.. sorry...